简介:因儿时与母亲失散,少年比利(亚瑟·安其 Asher Angel 饰)辗转多个家庭,却执着地要回到妈妈身边。当他再度栖身一个由养子养女的大家庭时,却阴差阳错来到某个未知的领域,并且成为古老巫师的继承人。当他喊出“沙赞”时,便会瞬间变成拥有强壮成年人身体的超级英雄雷霆沙赞(扎克瑞·莱维 Zachary Levi 饰)。比利兴奋不已,和新家的兄弟——患有腿部残疾的弗雷迪(杰克·迪伦·格雷泽 Jack Dylan Grazer 饰)共同分享这份快乐,两人更将展现各种超能力的视频上传网络,流布四方。结果,心怀叵测的赛迪斯·希瓦纳博士(马克·斯特朗 Mark Strong 饰)找上门来。 希瓦纳童年时曾与沙赞身份失之交臂,一直不受父亲兄长待见的他将灵魂出卖给七宗罪魔鬼,他更企图摧毁那个让他求之不得又恨之入骨的雷霆沙赞……
简介: 1919. After fighting in WWI as a sniper Travis, now a Policeman in the vast empty spaces of northern Australia, loses control of an operation that results in the massacre of an Indigenous tribe. After his superiors insist on burying the truth Travis leaves in disgust, only to be forced back twelve years later to hunt down Baywara, an Aboriginal warrior whose attacks on new-settlers are causing havoc. When Travis recruits mission-raised Gutjuk, the only known massacre-survivor as his Tracker, the truth of the past is revealed and Travis becomes the hunted.
简介:狼人和吸血鬼之间的大战还在继续。当麦克尔(斯科特•斯比德曼 Scott Speedman 饰)和西丽妮(凯特•贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)还在企图以自己薄弱的能力阻止这场大战时,阴谋家们的杰作又诞生了――狼人和吸血鬼融合的具有超强能力的种族――“血族”。马克思(托尼•库兰 Tony Curran 饰)便是便是这个种族的第二代。他杀死了父亲,夺取了密钥和西丽妮的记忆,救出了一个是狼人、一个是吸血鬼的被囚禁千年的孪生兄弟,企图一统狼人、吸血鬼和人类三大种族。 麦克尔和西丽妮这对恋人为了爱,他们必须挫败马克思的阴谋、打败囚禁千年的孪生兄弟……
简介:龙卷风的暴戾和神秘吸引了大批科学家的深入研究,深入风暴中间是最危险的行为,但亦是探索龙卷风最有效的方法。乔(海伦·亨特 Helen Hunt饰)和离婚的丈夫比尔(比尔·帕克斯顿 Bill Paxton饰)就是这类“与龙共舞”的科学家,即使他们感情已经破裂,比尔也已找到新的恋人,但出于对龙卷风研究的痴迷,他们还是决定共同追逐一场俄克拉何马州的飓风,并把新研制成功的探测仪“多萝西”放到龙卷风中心收集数据。
他们驾驶着破旧的货车,带领着追风队,向最危险的地方进发。同时,另一队装备精良的人马也朝着这个方向驶去,由裘纳(加利·艾尔维斯 Cary Elwes饰)领队,在追风行动中和乔激励较劲。
简介:Follows Raj Patel, who is an expert at math but is also secretly obsessed with his late father's dream of becoming a rap musician, and he almost loses everything in his attempt to achieve multiple goals in life.
简介: A contemporary comedy about two people who meet just as their previous relationships have imploded in ugly fashion. In a desperate bid to reboot their romantic fortunes, they play fast and loose with the facts and ignore more red flags than you'd see in a Chinese Army parade in order to start something fresh with each other. Then, just 10 days into their new lives, the jig is up and the wheels start coming off the love wagon in hilarious and surprising ways.