简介:Marcella (Fenech) inherits a taxi business from her father and now sets out on the job of her life. With each new fare she becomes involved with sex and crime all done up 70's Italian comedy style
简介: 罗马,夏日,一队穿梭其中的游客。这座美得令人窒息的古老城池,正以一种神秘而冷艳的姿态诱惑着他们,让人心甘情愿地被这份精致得令人绝望的美丽所俘获,沉醉其中。然而在捷普·甘巴尔代拉(托尼·瑟维洛 Toni Servillo 饰)眼中,罗马却是一座寂寞之都。65岁的捷普是一名成功记者,风度翩翩、魅力十足。年轻时代撰写的一本文学作品让他在早年就名利双收。他辗转在各样肆意妄为的奢靡与觥筹交错的社交之中,用一双冷酷到几近麻木的双眼,目睹这座绝美之城背后的空虚与隐秘。当女高音的咏叹调再次响起,游走在平民生活与上层社
简介: The genre-busting series tells the story of Katie and Stefan who fall for each other at a wedding and begin an affair, despite Katie already having a fiancé. Two months later at Katie’s wedding, her new husband and his entire family are murdered. The po
简介: A Coming of Rage story coming to Netflix in 2022.Three twenty somethings were turned into monsters by evil scientists against their will. Now they’re on the hunt for the mad
简介: 弗兰克(丹尼斯·奎德 Dennis Quaid 饰)是一位经验丰富精明强干的FBI探员,长久以来,他都在追捕一名高智商连环杀人魔。最近,情况变得十分糟糕,因为弗兰克发现这位凶残冷酷的杀手就潜伏在自己所负责的辖区内,并且已经犯下了数起案件。之后,弗兰克绝望的得知,这位神秘杀手竟然将下一个加害目标放在了自己的儿子身上,也正因为如此,当局撤销了弗兰克在此案件中的权限,因为他再也不能冷静的对待这名凶手了。然而,爱子心切的弗兰克并没有就此罢休,他决定靠自己的力量将凶手捉拿归案,也就是在此过程中,弗兰克一步一步地踏入了凶手布下的天罗地网之中。
简介: A loan shark, Liam, calls on his customers: a disabled mother and two teens, Kristen and Owen. Kristen flirts with him, but Liam's moxia.cc passion is for the naive Owen. Owen goes along with the shark's gender-bending fetish, creating a conflict with his ing-of-age.