简介: 才华横溢,有一腔理想抱负的热血少年马克斯·费舍尔(詹森·舒瓦兹曼 Jason Schwartzman饰),在休斯敦一间贵族预备学校就读。初入名校的马克斯,却把全部的心思都投注于社团上。凭借着过人的聪明才智,他很快在各种社团里游刃有余。然而过分忽视功课的他,不久就面临着被退学的威胁。因缘际会,他与事业成功的商业大亨赫尔曼·布卢姆(比尔·默瑞 Bill Murray饰)成为了忘年之交,学会了很多人生真理。然而这一切都终结在了才貌双全的女老师露丝玛丽·克罗丝(奥莉维亚·威廉姆斯 Olivia Williams饰)手里。马克斯深陷爱情的世界里,不能自拔。 本片凭借着处处充满针锋相对的机智对白与幽默感,以及新老演员对角色的成功塑造和诠释,荣获1999年第56届金球奖电影类-最佳男配角提名及1999年独立精神奖最佳导演、最佳男配角等多项大奖。
简介:影片承接前作,银河护卫队成员们已经在不毛之地上安顿了下来。然而,由于火箭浣熊(布莱德利·库珀 Bradley Cooper 配音)的动荡往事的侵扰,他们的生活很快被打破。“星爵”彼得·奎尔(克里斯·帕拉特 Chris Pratt 饰)依然迷失在失去卡魔拉(佐伊·索尔达娜 Zoe Saldana 饰)的痛苦中,但是他必须团结起他的团队,前往执行一项危险的任务,只为营救火箭浣熊。如果这项任务失败,那么为人熟知的银河护卫队有可能就此走向终结。
简介:Aline Ruby, an obstinate private detective, and Carlos Rivera, an android replica of his deceased partner, throw themselves in a race against the clock across Mars. They must find Jon Chow, a simple cybernetics student who’s on the runs, before the hitmen who are following him closely kill him.
简介:Grace, Annie and Tommy are growing up fast as police officers, but nothing can prepare them for the turmoil they face every day. It’s a year since the fall of the McIntyre crime gang and the vacuum has been filled by rival gangs, all competing for dominance. Constable Shane Bradley is drafted in to help, but his motivations are unclear. Tommy is dangerously seduced by the world...