简介:Follows Iraqi war veteran Tes, as she prepares to strike back after a group of home invaders attack during her sister's bachelorette party, and she discovers that they are hellbent on not leaving any witnesses behind.
简介:威尼斯电影节新晋影帝卢卡·马里内利,米丽娅姆·莱昂内(意大利版[看不见的客人])将主演,[爱情与子弹]导演安东尼奥·马内蒂、马科·马内蒂执导的意大利漫改影片[德伯力克]。本片讲述20世纪60年代,德伯力克和伊娃于在虚构的克莱维尔州初次见面的黑暗浪漫故事。该片由Michelangelo La Neve与马内蒂兄弟联合撰写剧本,会在库马约尔、博洛尼亚、米兰和里雅斯特拍摄,现已开拍。
简介:一次意外中,威尔(杰克·尼科尔森 Jack Nicholson 饰)驾车撞倒了一只野狼,当他下车查看情况时,野狼咬伤了威尔。威尔并没有将受伤当成一回事,可自从事故发生以来,一些奇怪的变化开始出现在了威尔的身上,他的感官变得异常灵敏,脾气也愈发暴躁,所有的迹象都在显示,威尔似乎在慢慢的变成一只狼。
动物研究专家亚历齐亚斯(欧姆·普瑞 Om Puri 饰)证实了威尔的疑虑,他给了威尔一张护身符,它能够暂时帮助威尔控制自己的野性。威尔的妻子夏洛特(凯特·尼利甘 Kate Nelligan 饰)死了,死于喉咙被撕裂,威尔的朋友劳拉(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)为威尔做出了不在场证明,而当劳拉身陷险境之时,威尔也毫不犹豫的变成了狼人,出手相救。
简介:Britain’s most notorious gangsters, The Kray twins have gained legendary infamy for their brutal reign over 1960s London, which continues to fascinate and shock to this day – but who was the man who brought down the infamous gangsters?
The sixties, London: hemlines are up, and so is the crime rate, the highest level on record. As the Beatles rule the airwaves, heading for world...
简介:Paul Averhoff was once a great marathon runner, the gold medal
winner at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics. Now over 70 and forced to
live in a nursing home, Paul rejects the singing group and handicraft
classes for his old running shoes and announces that he is training
for the Berlin Marathon, which he intends to win.
简介:Maria (Paula Kalenberg), Nils (Jonas Nay), Janina (Nilam Farooq) und Ben (Louis Nitsche) erfordert starke Nerven: Vier Wochen lang tauchen die zwei befreundeten und von pers?nlichen Krisen geplagten Paare ihre Partner untereinander. Die einzige Regel in der Zeit ist dabei eindeutig formuliert: Alles ist erlaubt, au?er Geschlechtsverkehr. Natürlich bleibt das Ganze nicht ohne Fo...
简介:在立志成为画家之前,梵高(柯克·道格拉斯 Kirk Douglas 饰)曾经是画廊里颇有前途的售画员,经过几次情感失败之后,他开始尝试成为一名画家。梵高悲天悯人的性格让他能与贫穷矿工们和谐相处,用画笔描绘他们的悲惨生活。他的画奔放热情、情感肆意,但却得不到主流画坛的欣赏。梵高邀请当时正崛起的印象派画家高更(安东尼·奎恩 Anthony Quinn 饰)一同去法国南方作画。多年来,弟弟提奥一直在经济上支持梵高,甚至为他资助高更去南方的所有费用。刚开始两人其乐融融,一起创作了很多高水准的作品,但因两人的个性互不相容,逐渐产生激烈争吵。高更试图离开,梵高为此精神受打击,试图持刀威胁高更,高更仓皇而逃,梵高最终自残割下了自己的耳朵。孤独、贫困的梵高受精神病所折磨,几度进入病院疗养。而他始终没有停止绘画,一直在等待大众的赏识,最终精神崩毁,开枪结束了生命。
简介:Le baron de Munchausen a coutume de réunir ses amis autour d'un d?ner dans son chateau. Il leur raconte ses fabuleuses aventures toutes sorties de sa fértile imagination.
简介:根据克劳斯·鲍姆加特和蒂尔·施威格的同名儿童绘本改编,A rabbit is discriminated by all the other rabbits and even by the fox for having no ears. He just wants to have a friend, when an egg rolls to his front door.
简介:A hit and run of an 18 year old girl becomes the hub of a wheel that sets into motion many a spoke - a journalist , a raging mother, a cop and a system all caught in an ethical dilemma. Questions raised only to realise that truth is rarely pure and never simple.
简介:Gy?rgy Fehér是匈牙利电影长镜头学派的另一位大师级导演,与杨索属同代人,可惜他的作品很少而且极难看到。。。
If you like to see what movies are really about (i.e. moving)you should see szurkulet. This highly original and intense film is an exercise in style 'pur sang'. The story is loosely based on 'es geschah am hellichten Tag' by Friedrich Durrenmatt. But how the story is told is the most important part here. In a shadowish ...